CFC Bahrain Missions

CFC Bahrain Mission Page
"As the Father has sent me .. so am I sending you..." John 20:21

CFC Nepal (Kathmandu) - est. April 2003

The 1st CLP which ended April 12 was conducted in Kathmandu by a team from CFC Bahrain led by Bro Richie D'Mello.
  • Nepal is the 108th CFC Country (and 1st for 2003)
  • A 2nd CLP is planned for early 2004...
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CFC Sri Lanka (Colombo) - est. February 2002

CFC was established inColombo, Sri Lanka, on February 25. The mission team was composed of Bro Rouquel Ponte of CFC Manila and 7 brethren from CFC Bahrain, together with Spiritual Director, Fr. Felicio.
  • Sri Lanka is the 97th CFC Country (and 1st for 2002)
  • A 2nd CLP was conducted on February 2003.
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CFC Syria (Damascus) - est. March 2001

CFC was established in Damascus on March 10. The mission team was composed of Rouquel & Nina Ponte from CFC Manila and brethren from CFC Bahrain(including country head Richie D’Mello and Spiritual Adviser Fr. Felicio Diniz) andDante Fermazi of CFC Dubai. Instrumental in bringing CFC to Damascus was Amy Carpio, who is with the UN in this country.
  • Syria is the 85th CFC country and the 14th in the Middle East.
  • 1st Covenant Orientation and Evangelization Training conducted on July 2001.
  • On the first week of September 2001, the 2nd CLP was conducted.
  • In March 2002, Bro Richie - CFC Bahrain Cluster Head - conducted a 2nd Covenant Orientation and gave the training sesssions for the Household Leaders.
  • A 3rd CLP was conducted on September 2002.
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CFC Qatar (Doha) - est. Jan 2000

Bro Rene Punsalan (Manila Sector Head) and a team from CFC Bahrain conducted the first CLP in Doha, Qatar.
  • Qatar if the 73rd CFC Country (the 1st for 2000 and the 1st for the third millennium )
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CFC Oman (Muscat) - est. Dec 1995

In December of 1995, CFC Oman was established in the Holy Spirit Parish Church in Ghala, Muscat as an outreach of CFC Bahrain.
  • Oman is the 23rd CFC Country
  • In March 1996, Bro Roquel Ponte conducted the 1st Covenant Orientation followed by the 1st Marriage Enrichment Retreat and 2nd CLP in April. The team included YFC Bahrain leaders who established YFC Oman through the 1st Youth Camp.
  • The 3rd CLP and 1st Thanksgiving Anniversary celebration were held in December 1996.
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CFC Egypt (Alexandria) - est. Sept 1995

The first outreach mission of CFC Bahrain - CFC Egypt was established in September 1995 in Alexandria, Egypt and was composed of Sudanese refugees.
  • Egypt is the 20th CFC Country
  • The 2nd mission was on February 1996 for the 1st Covenant Orientation, 1st Marriage Enrichment Retreat and 2nd CLP.
  • In September 1996, a 3rd mission trip was done for the 2nd Covenant Orientation and the 3rd CLP.
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