About CFC Bahrain

Couples for Christ (CFC) started in Manila, Philippines on June of 1981. It was comprised then of just 16 couples who gathered regularly in their private homes and who have commited themselves to a Christian way of living.

Now celebrating its 26th year, CFC is present in 156 countries worlwide.

Bahrain is the 13th CFC country and the 2nd in the Middle East (after UAE)

Couples For Christ, Bahrain


Couples for Christ Bahrain was established on November 1993 with the 1st Christian Life Program (CLP) conducted by husband and wife team of Bro Rouquel and Sis Nina Ponte (then the International Missions Director of CFC).



1st CFC Bahrain CLP Participants

CFC Bahrain Milestones


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  • Nov - 1st Christian Life Program by Bro Rouquel and Sis Nina Ponte. CFC Servants of the Lord was also established.


1st CO and MER participants

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  • Nov - 2nd Christian Life Program.
  • Nov - CFC Singles for Christ established
  • Nov - CFC Handmaids of the Lord was also established.

"As the Father sent me, so am I sending you (John 20:21)"
  • May - CFC Youth for Christ established when Brian Galang and Maan Ponte from Manila conducted the 1st Youth Camp for 60 youths.
  • May - CFC Kids for Christ established Sep - Mission Outreach to Alexandria, Egypt.
    - 1st CFC Family Sports Day
  • Dec - Mission Outreach to Muscat, Oman



"Through you, I will bring light to the nations (Is 42:6)"

  • April - 1st CFC Oman Youth Camp
  • Dec - 1st CFC Households Christmas Lantern Competition

"Fix Your Eyes On Jesus (Heb 12:2)"

  • Sep - CFC conducted its 1st Parish Praisefest
  • Dec - On its 4th year, CFC Bahrain becomes a full chapter

"Lead...By the Power of the Holy Spirit (Rom 15:18-19)"

  • Nov - 5th Anniversary celebration


"Go and bear fruit that will last (John 15:16)"


"Bring glad tidings to the poor (Luke 4:18)"
  • Jan - Mission Outreach to Doha, Qatar
  • Nov - CFC Bahrain hosts the 2nd CFC Middle East Conference
  • Dec - Bahrain becomes a full Cluster


"United in Christ - One World, One Family, One Life"
  • March - Mission Outreach to Damascus, Syria

1st CFC Syria CLP Participants

"Build up, Build up, Prepare the Way (Isaiah 57:14)"

  • Feb - Mission Outreach to Colombo, Sri Lanka

"Posses the Land (Isaiah 37:34)"

  • April - Mission Outreach to Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Nov - 5th MEC and 10th Year Anniversary


"Braveheart: Fear not! (Isaiah )"

  • June - CFC Bahrain Servants of the Lord (SOLD) 11th Anniversary
  • June - CFC Bahrain Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD) 10th Anniversary
  • Oct - CFC Bahrain Singles For Christ (SFC) 10th Anniversary
  • Dec - CFC Bahrain National Council established with 5 pillars (Pastoral Support, Mission and Evangelization, Family Ministries, Social Ministries and GK). Bro Richie D'Mello appointed CFC Bahrain National Director

 2005 God is Enough!

"The Lord is my Shepherd there is nothing I shall want! (Psalm 23:1)"

  • June - Family Ministries 11th Anniversary Celebration
  • Nov - 7th Middle East Conference (@ The Diplomat Radisson, Bahrain)
             - CFC Bahrain's 12th Anniversary
  • Dec   - National Council expanded from 5 pillars to 7 pillars
               (added Pro-Life and Special Ministries)
            - Bro Mar Japitana assumes National Directorship
               with the departure of Bro Richie and Sis Viviette back to India


"Show God's Power and Majesty to a sinful nation (Tobit 13:6)"

  • June - Global CFC's 25th Year Anniversary
  • Oct - 8th CFC Middle East Conference (Sharjah, UAE)
  • Nov - CFC Bahrain's 13th Anniversary (MEC Echo)


"Hope in the Lord (Lamentations 3:24)"

  • Jun - 13th CFC Bahrain Family Ministries Annual Celebration 
  • Oct - 9th CFC Middle East Conference (UAE)
  • Nov - CFC Bahrain's 14th Anniversary (Colours of Hope)


"Love one another as I have loved You (John)"

  • Oct - 10th CFC Middle East Conference (Bahrain)
  • Nov - CFC Bahrain's 15th Anniversary

CFC Bahrain National Council

Bro Mar & Sis Au Japitana

- National Council Director
- Special Ministries

Bro Efren & Sis Winnie Orquita - Mission & Evangelization
Bro Emil & Sis Josie Reyes - Social Ministries
Bro Jover & Sis Joy Nocom- Family Ministries
Bro Cris & Sis Tonette Ebreo- Pastoral Support
Bro Art & Sis Shirley Esmerlada- Work with the Poor
Bro Sunny & Sis Benny Miranda- Pro Life Ministry
Rev. Fr Thomas Quadros- Spiritual Director

Sacred Heart Church, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

Visit the CFC Global Mission Foundation website for more on Couples for Christ !!!
CFC Global Mission Foundation
