FAQ Page

Frequently Asked Questions

About Couples for Christ (CFC)
What is Couples for Christ?
Where and how did CFC begin?
CFC Mission and Vision
Why is such a ministry necessary?
How does CFC intend to work for Christian family renewal?
Who can become members of Couples for Christ?
How does a couple become a member of CFC?
About the Christian Life Program (CLP)
What is the nature of the Christian Life Program? Is there any cost involved?
What happens after the Christian Life Program? What is the nature of the household?
Christian Formation
How about Christian formation?
How is Couples for Christ different from other movements or organizations?
CFC and the church
Is CFC recognized by the Catholic Church?
What benefits can a parish derive in welcoming a CFC ministry?


What is Couples for Christ?
Couples for Christ (CFC) is a movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. It is an association of Christian couples who have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another, so that they may grow into maturity as men an women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising up their families under the lordship of Jesus Christ and for the service of the Kingdom of God.

Couples for Christ is a work of Christ which raises up Christian couples and establishes Christian families committed to the work of evangelization and winning the world for Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. It grows mainly through the establishment of localized units in different parishes.

Where and how did CFC begin?
CFC began in 1981 in Manila when a local Christian community tried out a new approach in evangelizing married couples. The method used consisted of bringing together a small group of prospective couples in a private home. There they were brought to a living relationship with Jesus Christ and to renewal of the power of the Holy Spirit, through a series of weekly informal discussions of the gospel in a social setting.

Soon, CFC became a Christian family life renewal program made available to parishes and groups of married couples who wished to live out their Christian life in an active, supportive relationship with one another.

Through the years, CFC has blossomed into a worldwide ministry, becoming a major force for the renewal of Christian family life and also of the church.


Why is such a ministry necessary?
It is God's plan that the family be the basic unit of society, such that the condition of society. However, there are many forces in the world today that would, wittingly or unwittingly, destroy the very foundations of the family. CFC wants to rise in defense of the family, which is God's work. CFC wants to bring God's strength and light to those who are struggling to be truly Christian families in the modern world.

How does CFC intend to work for Christian family renewal?
CFC intends to carry out its work by focusing on three specific objectives.

1. Individual renewal - Before one can even consider the whole family, the husband and wife first need to renew their commitment to God. CFC takes the basic message of Christianity and proclaims it a new so that those who hear it can make a renewed commitment to God in a way, which will allow them to receive a fuller experience of the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

2. Family renewal - As couples renew their commitment to God, they also renew their commitment to one another and to their Christian family life. Gradually, the new life that they find in the Lord filters down to all their family relationships.

3. Church renewal - As individual families are renewed, they form a network of equally committed Christian families, which not only support one another but also strengthen the Church of which they are members.


Who can become members of Couples for Christ?
Any validly married Catholic couple can become members of CFC. Although a Catholic movement/organization, CFC remains open to having non-Catholic Christians as members. CFC draws its membership from all sectors of society, young and old, rich and poor, etc. CFC transcends all cultural, economic, educational, social and other distinctions.

How does a couple become a member of CFC?
Those who want to join CFC go through a seminar that is called the Christian Life Program (CLP).


What is the nature of the Christian Life Program?
The Christian Life Program (CLP) is an integrated course in the basics of Christianity leading to a renewed understanding of God's call to us to be Christian couples. The CLP starts with an orientation session, and then goes through 12 weekly meetings, divided into 3 modules of 4 sessions per module. Each session lasts about 2.5 hours consisting of a talk, group discussion, and some time for fellowship.

Is there any cost involved?
There are no fees or any monetary expenses required of the participants. The only investment required is their time and their openness.

What happens after the Christian Life Program?
After the CLP, those who finish are invited to join CFC. When they do, they are made part of a small cell group called a household. The household is composed of from 5 to 7 couples who meet weekly for mutual support and encouragement in the Christian life, under the direction of a household leader.

What is the nature of the household?
The purpose of the household group is to build an environment for the support of the Christian life of couples, and to provide a means for encouraging and hastening spiritual growth. It provides friendship and brotherhood. It helps people overcome obstacles to growth in the Christian life.

The household meeting is held in the homes of the group members, on rotation basis. A typical meeting would involve some time for prayers, a time for sharing or discussion, and finally some time for fellowship. It would normally last about 2.5 hours.


How about Christian formation?
Finishing the CLP is just the beginning of a long process of growth and transformation in Christ. As such, CFC provides a continuing program of formation, which includes teachings, recollections, retreats, etc.

How is Couples for Christ different from other movements or organizations?
CFC differs in a number of ways but the most significant are the following:

1. It fosters deep spiritual renewal which involves personal conversion, developing a personal relationship with Jesus, and living in the power of the Holy Spirit.

2. It focuses on the couple, with emphasis on husband and wife growing together in their Christian lives.

3. It provides continuing support and formation, recognizing that programs can only plant a seed, but that growth is a long and difficult process.

4. It concentrates on evangelization, reaching out to more and more couples, in line with the Church's call for lay people to participate actively in the building of God's kingdom on earth.


Is CFC recognized by the Catholic Church?
Yes. CFC is a servant and lay arm of the Roman Catholic Church in the work of family renewal and evangelization, and has a number of bishops as its Spiritual Directors. The Catholic Bishop's Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has granted Couples for Christ recognition as a "Private Association Of The Lay Faithful" in accordance to Canons 321-329 of the Code of Canon Law. Furthermore, CFC operates under the auspices of the Family Life and/or Evangelization Offices of parishes and dioceses throughout the world.

What benefits can a parish derive in welcoming a CFC ministry?
There are a number of benefits:

+ Couples are renewed and strengthened in their Christian lives. Strong couples makes for strong families, which make for strong parish.
+ A basic CFC objectives is to be relevant to the life of the Church, specifically in the parish, CFC members are expected to support their parish priest and be available for parish services.
+ CFC can be effectively used in the strategic evangelization of parishioners who are potentially strong servants and workers for the parish.
+ CFC has proven to be an effective tool for fostering unity among mandated organizations and other parish groups, by redirecting leaders to focus on the Lord rather than on their service.
+ CFC can be a conduit for social action in the parish, one of our objectives being the economic and spiritual upliftment of our less fortunate brethren.
+ CFC can hasten the formation of a strong, vibrant Christian community.